Joanne M. Cissell
Joanne Cissell is a resident of Indianapolis, Indiana. She is the author of, My Husband’s Prayer, A Father’s Love, and is currently working on her second book. Joanne has just completed her first screenplay/production; soon to be released.
She is the mother of two adult daughters, grandmother to a precious five-year-old granddaughter, and a caregiver to her elderly mother.
Cissell’s life is one that has defied the odds. When she was twelve years old, doctors discovered that she was born without cartilage or sockets and was told she would never walk or have children. She underwent and endured many surgeries and taught herself to do things that she was told she would never do.
“Joanne Cissell gives God all the glory, honor, and praise, because it was He who brought her through.”
In closing… I urge each and every married couple to take time and pray one for another.
Husbands, as your wives share these prayers with you, cover them, lift them up before the Lord, hold them in high esteem as they carry you into the throne room before God in prayer. Keep her just as God keeps us as the apple of His eye, be her covering, cherish and treasure her, protect her, and love her.