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The Thoughts of Ray, From My Heart to Yours


The Thoughts of Ray, From My Heart to Yours is a compilation of the author’s thoughts expressed through poetry. The writings are uplifting with a sense of love, while displaying his blessing of creativity. Each poem is socially relevant and emerges from a place in his soul. Everyone should obtain a copy of this book, especially the youth. There is a portion of the book dedicated to Young 1s.

The Thoughts of Ray, From My Heart to Yours is a compilation of the author’s thoughts expressed through poetry. The writings are uplifting with a sense of love while displaying his blessing of creativity. Each poem is socially relevant and emerges from a place in his soul. Everyone should obtain a copy of this book, especially the youth. There is a portion of the book dedicated to Young 1s.

Tom Ray has a great passion for helping our youth and giving back to his community while impacting every other community. Tom is family orientated and represents his family every where he goes with respect, honor and loyalty. He is on the road to success and God is his Advisor. He is grateful for the path his ancestors paved for him and will lead by example for the next generation to come.

“So as you get into The Thoughts of Ray remember all support is appreciated and I love you all.”

God bless.

Author: Thomas Ray
Category: Faith & Inspiration, Poetry, Social Awareness
ISBN: 978-0-615-60586-9